All Events

First Annual QTABS Community Symposium

Herklotz Conference Center 300 Quereshey Research Lab, Irvine, CA, United States

We are excited to announce the first annual QTABS Community Symposium at the Herklotz Conference Center! The event will be from 1-5pm on June 2nd. We will have a poster presentation competition (no abstract required to register - only a poster title) and a hybrid keynote speaker (TBA). Register for the event at this link, or...

Discussing Transgender Day of Remembrance (11/7)

Transgender Day of Remembrance is annually observed on November 20th. It is to commemorate transgender people who lost their lives in acts of anti-transgender violence. In recognition of this day, QTABS will be hosting Natalie Moncada as a guest speaker to further discuss Transgender Day of Remembrance and issues affecting transgender students, researchers, and scientists in the...